
Saturday, 31 January 2015

CBB Live Eviction Results - Fri 30th

CBB 2015 - Fri 30th Episode 

*You are reading a CBB Blog - Please excuse swearing & views you may find offensive*

It's Friday's live eviction and up for the public vote is Nadia, Perez, Katie H and Cheggars but before we find out who goes and who stays, let's see what happened yesterday in the house. 

Two faced Katie H is talking crap to Cheggars about how if Perez hadn't been awarded eternal nomination, Cheggars wouldn't have even been up eviction. No Katie H he wouldn't have been up for nomination if you hadn't planted the seed in the house

Katie H and Katie P have barney about what Pricey said during face to face nominations. Katie P doesn't back down and goes straight for the jugular and Katie H is very offended that Pricey said she hogs the limelight and then does the very same thing that she accuses Perez of doing.... walks out the room because she's not winning the argument. 

BB throws a party for the Nominees and the first things I noticed was that Katie H has yet another sparkly dress, there must be a national shortage of sequins now, and that Calum didn't seem to dance once. Everyone had a lovely time and got on for once. 

Nadia has a moment about missing her family, surprisingly it's Cami that gives her a hug and drunk Kav gets stuck with Perez and his Perez show 'How great am I" spiel. Then whilst the ladies are applying their fake tan, Kav comes into the bedroom to repeat back the conversation and cause up roar before bedtime. 

So the vote lines are closed and we find out who is safe and who is going home.  Nadia is out and for a couple of secs she's not sure if she's saved or going, because they changed the announcement format. Perez is crying like a bitch and when the doors open Nadia has mad moment screaming at the top of her lungs that she loves her family.

The first question that Emma asked was "How does it feel to go into cheers and leave to boos" and Nadia very matter of factually says she has always been a very like able person and people know that. 

Nadia agrees that Katie H is getting very tactical in the house. She says that the public need to get Perez out so that everyone can see what Katie H really is like. She also thinks that a lot of the housemates are scared of her because she has a Sun column.

Monday will be a live two hour special with Emma & Rylan, when one of the housemates will be leaving the house when Emma goes into the house to physically pull them out. 


Friday, 30 January 2015

CBB Tactical Voting Thurs 29th

CBB 2015 - Thu 29th Episode 

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This has been bothering me since yesterdays blog; So I'm  just going put it out there before I get started on todays but anyone else think that Katie H started being quite flirty with Perez when he was trying to lick & kiss her. At first I thought it was perhaps nervous laughter but the longer it went on......

Perez agrees that Katie H can pick his outfit if he can pick hers tomorrow. Nadia is calling it an uneasy peace and Calum seems to think that Perez took his two days out in the secret room as a time to reassess himself and come back as a better person.

Perez is then called to the diary room to speak to him about his unacceptable behaviour i.e. trying to lick and kiss Katie H's face. BB tells him that although his behaviour didn't offend her it was still against the BB Rules.

Katie P is debating whether to confront Katie H on slagging her off behind her back, saying that all she talks about is her family. Katie P mentions that she did come in to make new friends and so to her people she considered new friends being two faced annoys her. 

Kav, Calum and Katie H are talking about Cheggars, that Katie H has to have 'the talk' about what she has said about in him in the diary room. Still in denial about the general bitching behind his back within the house. 

Calum goes into the diary room 

Katie H gets her chance to face it out with Cheggars and Katie P at the same time, with Perez as a weird kind of mediator. Cheggars more than puts her in her place. Katie P makes a point that she does have opinions, after all she used to have the very same column that Katie H has in The Sun now.

Katie H is telling BB she is the alpha male of the house, giving the cubs a clip round the ear and telling the lionesses what to do. She's not friends with any of the females because she doesn't need to be. And thus we have confirmation that she is a fake bitch but hey it's only a game but I think she may have disappointed some new '"Great British Public" fans who thought they were seeing a new / reformed / The real Katie H. 

So the simmering atmosphere in the house is about to go to boiling with 

Sorry this is so small but I can't enlarge anymore because it blurs!

Up for the public vote is Nadia, Katie H, Cheggars and Perez. Michelle was the only one to not receive any votes.

Now just recalling earlier conversations that Katie H had with the rest of house, before nominations, she's not breaking rules by saying put Cheggars up for eviction but she is definitely putting a huge seed in peoples mind of why he should be put up. And of course she would want him gone because as she sees it, he is her biggest competition in there because he is British TV Royalty.

Later we see her doing the same with Katie P, saying to Calum in front of Cami and Cheggars that she thinks Katie P is copping out each time she puts him up for eviction. I'll be watching her conversations more closely now, on the lead up to next Tuesdays evictions, as it looks like she getting tactical.

Kav and Calum discuss Pricey's outburst at Katie H during face to face votes and they hope Cheggars is OK with being up but he does sit on the fence. 

Meanwhile Katie P and Cheggars discuss him being up for eviction, he wasn't surprised but Katie P was and doesn't want to lose her BB husband. There is definitely an unlikely friendship blooming there.

Perez and Nadia are discussing Cheggars being up for eviction and Perez is worried that the viewers are "Sadistic Mother Fuckers" and will vote him out this Friday because he doesn't get involved in the arguments. Cut to Cheggars in the diary room weeping because he thinking about if the public call up to save him, that it's a massive boost for him.


Thursday, 29 January 2015

CBB - Same Old, Same Old Wed 28th

CBB 2015 - Wed 28th Episode 

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Katie H has stress and storms out because Keith is telling people about his ingrowing bum hair hole, after Katie P mentions her boob hole. Yeah I don't understand it either but apparently he's always talking about himself and that pisses Katie H off. 

In the snug Katie H & Michelle are bitching about Katie P, more so Katie H who thinks it's all 'Pricey' act. Michelle is more diplomatic in saying she expected a big loud diva but instead she's very much a girl next door. Meanwhile unbeknown to them she is telling Nadia that she is a very boring person, she just sits at home eating and watching telly until she has to go out and work. 

So Patsy left in the live eviction, which meant Perez went back into the house. Nadia could not believe her eyes, as she was the only one that believed that he had actually walked. Katie H couldn't be any more fucked off PMSL and just keeps repeating "Will everyone just get their head out of Perez' arse". 

Cami gets all Ghetto in the diary room, mainly because we are seeing 'Night time' Cami but also because she is talking about Perez.

Michelle is crying in the bedroom, because she feels Perez is giving a false view of the LGBT community but then it comes down to what it's really about and that's that she could be up against him in the final 3 and lose out to him. Yes, that's right, Michelle think she is going right through to the final and has done so since the beginning. I can't tell if that's a ballsy task to set yourself or plain old narcissism. 

Kav has had a little bit too much to drink and is all argumentative in Nadia's face, and then is shocked  when she argues back. He then continues to shout "Left Wing" in her direction for the rest of tonight.

Perez then tells Nadia what Callum said about her 'Heavy' cooking, which then leads to an argument with Callum but it doesn't stop there. She has a go at Katie H too, for being two faced. This is the Nadia that Patsy stopped us from seeing (because she was looking after her friend) but I think it's the housemate the housemate needs. The other housemates are shocked at her behaviour though and that is in part because when they confront Perez what he has said about them, Perez sugarcoats it so it looks like she is over reacting. 

Perez and Katie H fall into their old familiar groove, shouting over each over and it's tedious already. He'd be better suited to confronting other people and admitting what he has already told others he has said. 

It's gone midnight and Perez is doing his 'Perez show' dance in his pants for the mirrors. Katie P and Cheggars are hiding out in the diary room, because of all the argument madness, they don't dare look at anyone in case they get drawn into it.  


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

CBB - Live Eviction and Re-Homing Tue 27th

CBB 2015 - Tue 27th Episode 

*You are reading a CBB Blog - Please excuse swearing & views you may find offensive*

As well as a public vote tonight, BB has a (possible) evil twist for the Perez show, he will be going back into the house tonight but viewers will also vote tonight as to whether he gets a free pass to the final or is up for all evictions from here on out.

Before we find out who is going home tonight, in the 3rd eviction of the series, lets see what's been going on.

Cami gives Katie P a dirty look in the bedroom and Katie P tells her if she has a problem with her then she should be saying it to her face. Cami has no witty, bend and snap comeback. Never underestimate the Pricey.

As BB's Puppet Master Perez gets to grill Katie H in the diary under the guise of Viewers questions. Katie H says she is pleased that Perez walked as it showed the coward that he is. He also had her doing a bird impression. 

Perez got to take some fresh air in the garden, whilst the housemates are unwittingly shuttered inside. How he manages to keep his voice at a whisper I do not know. 

Patsy confides in the diary room that although she has enjoyed the house and made some life long friends, 3 week has been more than enough.

Calum and Cami discuss their 'Friendship' in the Kitchen which makes Patsy and Nadia confide in each other that they hope Cami doesn't go home.

Meanwhile cabin fever is effecting the nominees and Perez, it's just dawned on him that Nadia may be voted out because of her actions in protecting him.

Emma is in front of the house and the 3rd person to be evicted from CBB 2015 is Patsy, despite not stop chants of "Get Cami" out. Patsy is so pleased to be leaving I don't think she even said a proper goodbye to Nadia.

The two housemates that had the most votes (to be saved) were Nadia and Katie H.

Patsy confirms that she is overjoyed to be out and feels like 21 years not 21 days. She thought everyone must have voted for her but when she is shown their reasons she looks a little hurt. Patsy says she is very different person to who she was 5-10 years ago so she didn't want to get involved in other peoples arguments. 

She has a lot of love and respect for Cami and she says that she did confront Katie H about her toe curling comments about the North. 

Patsy says that Nadia is a really lovely strong person and compromised herself by sticking up for Alicia and Perez. She then finds out that Perez is still in a secret room and about to go back in the house Patsy just shrieks "What the Fuck!"

Perez is now in the diary room with a bottle of Prossecco in his hand and BB is showing him and the rest of the house, via the big screen, whats been going on. Katie H looks like she accidentally stuck her finger up a dogs arse and takes herself off to the Kitchen to sulk and Cami looks like she might burst into flames. 

Emma then speaks to the house and to tell Perez his fate at the hands of the viewers. He has been cursed with eternal nominations and there for is up for eviction for the rest of the remaining evictions. Katie H is still not impressed and looks like she may have just smelt one of Patsy's farts. 

CBB - The Truth About Perez Mon 26th

CBB 2015 - Mon 26th Episode 

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Perez is still talking about walking, even first thing in the morning and he tells Patsy that he doesn't need the money so can easily just leave; before he goes to the diary room to tell them for the 100th time he wants to go. Once he's been in there a while he says everything is telling him to quit but he doesn't think its a good idea. 

Possibly because they are fed up with him coming to diary room every five minutes, BB devises a task for Perez to go back into the house and 'stage' a his own walk about before he goes into a secret room, in order to become the BB Puppet Master of the house. 

As he begins to pack his bags, Katie H is antagonising him until she can't bear to not go and be smug, that he is leaving, to the the rest of the housemates. He then storms into the garden and leaves through the fire exit.

Katie H is bitching about the Perez tweet to Michelle but she is having none of it and is actually sticks up for both Nadia and Perez. Then after Perez leaves Katie H is then saying that the tweet was all about perspective and he let it get to him.

As the housemates discuss him walking and his state of mind, Perez listens to everything they say about him. He also gets to watch everyone make their nominations, which go as follows:

Calum - Nadia because she was friends with Perez
             Patsy because she doesn't deal with the stress well

Keith - Patsy because she goes on about how awful it all is
           Kav because he likes a drink and had the other day he told him to fuck off

Katie P - Patsy doesn't like to get involved in anything
               Cami is not a consistent person from day to night

Perez accurately predicts the next housemate to nominate 

Cami - Patsy fed up with hearing peace and love
           Nadia as great as she is, she is too negative

Nadia - Katie H Too Black and White
            Patsy because she wakes Nadia up between 5-6am

Michelle - Patsy, she loves her but she's not in the room mentally
                 Nadia because she has control issues

Patsy - Katie H because she doesn't like living with her opinions
            Nadia because she clashes with Katie H and she can't live like that 

Kav - Patsy because she doesn't bring anything to the house
          Nadiam, a Wonderful woman but made him feel guilty for not speaking to him 

Katie H - Patsy because she believes in peace and love but tired of living with Yoyko Ono 
                Katie P because she doesn't side with anyone and or have any strong opinions

Katie P is explaining that a driver and a carer take Harvey to his special school in London, everyday, and that the government pay for that because he has special needs. she is thankful for that because it would cost £1000 a day otherwise. Katie H asks why she doesn't pay for it out of her own money, as she must be able to pay for it. Katie P reply is excellent, She doesn't know how much she is going to earn each year, it can vary drastically AND she pays her taxes on the money she does make so why shouldn't she except help for Harvey.

Katie P and Nadia discuss how arguments start and Katie P says she has seen how certain people push other people buttons in order to get an argument out of it. She said it was hard to remain calm when Katie H was trying to argue with her about Harvey's care.

Katie H, Nadia and Patsy are up for nomination but Perez has to pick one other from Kav, Cami and Katie P (they all tied with one vote each). He picks his favourite mean girl Cami Li. 

Housemates are told they will face nomination and Cami does not take the news well, on the other end of the spectrum is Nadia and Patsy who are over the moon to up for the public vote. I wonder though, if after a couple of days without Perez, they'll still be so keen to leave. 

Cami Li thinks she knows who nominated her because they couldn't look her in the eye and her ranting continues until Patsy & Nadia get her up singing and dancing. Nadia has had her first drink in ages and everyone is excited to see new fun her, everyone that is except for uber bitch Katie H.


Monday, 26 January 2015

CBB - Evicton Re-Cap Sat 24th & Shopping Task / Bitchfest Sun 25th

CBB 2015 - Sat 24th & Sun 25th Episode 

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Saturday 24th

Friday and there is pre-eviction chatter between Alicia, Nadia, Perez, Katie P, Kav and Calum about leaving the house to boos or cheers. 

Katie H has meanwhile been passing judge and jury on her other housemates, whilst sitting with Michelle.

Kav - Doesn't even want to be in the entertainment industry.

Patsy - Hypochondria

Katie P - Just wants to find a man to love her forever

Calum - Wants the British public to forgive him for his past playboy antics

Alicia - Has body issues & desperate for a man 

Nadia - Still not happy with her weight.

Cheggars - you don't become an alcoholic 

Perez - Narcissistic
Calum starts bitching with Katie H & Michelle about Katie P putting him up on for eviction as the least entertaining (Katie H informed him of that) and he says well "fuck me that I don't want to tell everybody 35,000 times a day".

Michelle slips off to advises Katie P to stop talking about her exes and just start letting people get to know about her.

Meanwhile it becomes clear that to the boys that Katie H has been stirring, so Calum asks Katie P to confirm whether or not she did say he was the least entertaining. They kiss and make up and Katie H has to find another argument to stoke.

Alicia goes to the diary room to discuss why she wants to stay in the house and she says she feels like she has grown stronger as a person and improved in her confidence. The bit that lets her down is "What else will you bring to the BB house if you stay" and her answer is  Honesty & Friendship. Lovely for the outside world but not entertaining for the house and viewing public.

Cheggars is called to the diary room for a secret mission to make the house laugh with jokes but whilst he is in the diary room, a message comes up on the lounge screen to 
tell the rest of the house that the real mission is for the house mates NOT to laugh. It is cringe worthy to watch but just like a car crash, couldn't stop watching.

Katie H asks if Patsy if she would walk if she'd still got her pay cheque. Patsy says of course she would but then Katie H can't stop asking the same question, over and over. Clearly she wants to break Patsy and then when Patsy just walks away Katie H announces to the rest of the room that she can't get a straight answer from her. 

Nadia feels she can't vent about Katie H's Perez obsession because she doesn't want to whinge about it to anyone else because if Katie H hears she'll kick off, not only at Nadia but also the person she was confiding in. 

Eviction time soon comes around and Alicia is 2nd to leave the house, although they booed when Emma said her name, she actually left to at least as many cheers as boos.

Her departure has mixed reactions within the house, Cheggars bursts into tears as he is worried about her. Katie H is a sudden fan and thought they'd keep her in because she was ballsy and says she can't believe Alicia lost out to Perez

Cami and Calum have a falling out because he told her not to be wound up by Perez and just all be adults. Cami  accuses him of censoring her but it's all blown over after 5 mis and we are back to Tits & Touching.

Kav worries that Nadia is getting exhausted by Perez and she admits that sometimes she sits with him because otherwise he's on his own, because she won't allow that. Nadia is being a proper mummy for him.

Perez has been walking about in his dinosaur pants most of the night and has also added a wig. He says if he didn't have son he wouldn't be acting like this. Jesus, if this is how he acts knowing his kid could see it....... 

Sunday 24th

In this weeks shopping task has the been hacked and first up BB shows the housemates video clips of them bitching about each other. 

BB needs the housemates to help take the hacked system back by re-booting. 

When a corrupt audio file is played, the housemate that said that it has to own up and explain why they said it. 

First up is Perez saying that Calum has given everything he can give to the house so would probably go Friday.

Next was Calum bitching about Perez and his manipulation of BB and the rule book.

Perez runs straight off to the diary room, claiming that he won't forgive and he definitely won't forget. He is however surprised to hear what has been being said about him and it's due to brainwashing by Katie H

'Showmance' is word that is now often the word that follows anything said about Calum & Cami

Nadia informs Perez that she is the only one that likes him, which appears to actually shock him. Then Patsy says that he is compromising Nadia's happiness in the house.

The next task involves Nadia, Perez and Cami must complete the circuit by deciding who would come top in a public poll of the following

Most Two Faced - Perez / Correct

Most Sincere - Nadia / Calum

Most Genuine - Patsy / Michelle 

Most Boring - Kav / Correct 

Least Trustworthy - Kav / Cami Li

Most Entertaining - Katie H / Correct 

Most Unhygienic - Kav / Perez

Least Self-obsessed - Keith / Correct 

Failed the task because they don't get all 8 right.

Nadia and Katie H have huge a row about being manipulated by Perez and said that Nadia agreed with everything in the task that Perez said. Michelle however is on Nadia's side saying that she had said a number of times during the task that she disagreed with Perez a number of times. 

This then leads to Perez and Cami screaming and calling each other a bitch. Patsy drags Cami into the bedroom and Perez runs to the diary room to congratulate himself and tell the British public he doesn't give a shit what they think of him.

Michelle confronts Perez on his arduous task of antagonising the whole house. His excuse is that KH says hurtful things about so many people. Michelle tries to encourage him to approach Katie H and just talk to her. He finally admits it's all gone "shit to the walls" but doesn't know how to sort it. 

In the next task Calum, Kav and Katie P have to wear memory helmets then watch a bitching show reel, which not only include clips from the house but comments from viewers. They then have to answer a question each about what they have watched. They get the answers right and pass the task but the arguments get worse.

Cami is pissed at Perez' comments about her 'friendship' with Calum and her 'boyfriend'.

Perez accuses BB of using a fake tweet, that said mean things about him. He talks to BB via the Camera's and mirrors about how when he leaves the house he will be telling everyone the real TRUTH.

They win the luxury shopping budget because they passed 2 of the 3 tasks. Me thinks these shopping tasks are too easy. 

Finally it wouldn't be the end of an hour without Perez shouting 'It's the Perez show featuring Katie Hopkins' and him going into the diary room for a rage, again at BB, saying "Fuck you and your mothers" and "Fuck you and your fathers".


CBB Weekend Update Sat 24th & Sun 25th PEREZ NEWS!

It was my Wedding Anniversary this weekend, so the Sat & Sun CBB Blog post won't be up until this afternoon. 

What I can tell you though is that Perez HASN'T walked, as speculated in the media yesterday. He is in fact on a secret BB mission. The housemates have been told that he has walked, after going into the diary room BUT he has instead gone into a secret room. From there he will be influencing events in the main house! 

I'll keep you updated. Thank you for reading. 


Friday, 23 January 2015

CBB PEREZ is NOT OUT Fri 23rd Live Eviction

CBB 2015 - Fri 23rd Episode 

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Friday Live Eviction, the crowd are chanting "Get Perez Out!" and after 16 days this is only the 2nd eviction.

Up for eviction Alicia (Crowd Boos) Callum (Cheers) Nadia (Boo) and Perez (Boos), I wonder if people realise though that Channel 5 do it so that you call up to vote TO SAVE YOUR FAVOURITE

Katie P is discussing her husbands sex addiction and how she can't even trust him on a journey somewhere because he was even meeting up with people on the way somewhere to cheat on her. Alicia keeps going on about how "all men are bastards and why do you let him treat you like that?" Hang on Alicia, it sounds like you are the Queen of being walked all over by men.

Nadia joins the addiction discussion, and thinks the way that Kieran & Katie P have approached their relationship means that they will both get through it together. She then   says that she thinks Alicia still hasn't resolved her surgery addictions.

Nadia and Perez discuss how inspiring and strong Katie P despite all that she goes through. That they admired her before meeting her in the house and speaking to her has only confirmed that she is a smart, strong woman with a good heart. 

Patsy and Michelle discuss whether they'll be able to watch themselves, Patsy says that she doesn't watch herself on anything because she finds it uncomfortable. The reason Michelle says she will be watching herself because she wants to make sure she stayed true to herself and behaved properly. From what we've seen so far I don't think either will be disappointed.

Katie H and Alicia have a milk 'debate'. Alicia says that she makes milk from Almonds every morning because cows milk is not well digested by the human digestive system. Katie H's argument against Almond milk is a nut associated with Christmas. 

Katie P is in the diary room talking to BB about how she is still worried about what the public are thinking about her because she keeps talking about Ex's but that's because she doesn't know these people and they are asking about her life. When she talks about the last year with Kieran, she finds that hard as a result of her actually still living through this heartbreak. She has to take a moment to compose herself. 

Katie P is quizzing Perez on his career and who his friends are. He says that his 5 best friends are 'normals', he's doesn't have proper celebrity friends because he has to respect professional distances. Like Katy Perry, they didn't fall out but she got so famous that he had to cover her divorce etc and wasn't prepared to call her up for the gruesome details.

Katie P took an overdose after Dane broke her heart, but she thanks him for breaking her heart so badly that it made her the strong. He was her only other one true love, after her current husband Kieran. Apparently Dane started acting weird and stopped taking her to events, so whilst he was away one week her mum came and helped her to clear the flat out of her stuff. 

Michelle has been impressed and surprised by Calum because he's sweet and Goofy, Kav because he's cute and a singer and Katie H as they have the same humour but she just doesn't like Katie H 's execution. 

The house seems to think that either Perez or Calum will go. Even Calum thinks he is going to go but I think the cheers from the crowd have put his fears at bay for rest  another week. 

*Emma crosses to the house* Chants of "Get Perez Out!" and first the two who are safest to stay Nadia & Calum but leaving the house, thanks to the British public is Alicia apparently there was only 1% in it for the votes. Never thought I'd be saying this but Thank God Perez didn't go because it looks like he planned to go out naked. Bluegrh! I don't need to see any ones meat and two veg on a Friday night. Apparently they had blankets on star by in case he did.

Well Alicia came out to a mix of cheers and boos so I don't think she'll have too much of a tantrum / meltdown. My question would for her would be why are you wearing a peach skirt suit, from the nineties, as your eviction outfit? 

Alicia is gutted to be out but she'll be pleased to see her kids. She divulges that she was worried as she came into the house to boos so it was nice to come out to some cheers. 
There was surprise that Michelle nominated her because she always claimed to say nothing behind your back but always to your face. 

Alicia describes her experience in the house as feeling like you are losing your mind and it's very intense, especially Perez and Katie H. She feels she got on well with Perez as she finds him entertaining but did see he was annoying too. 

Katie H made her Alicia's time in the house stressful with the awful things but towards the end of her time in the house she started to stick up for herself and there arguments became banter. 

Alicia wants Nadia and Cheggars to win. 

*NEWSFLASH* Cheggars is crying that Alicia has left *NEWSFLASH*

CBB Perez & Katie Are New BFF's Oh Sorry That Was a Dream Thu 22nd

CBB 2015 - Thu 22nd Episode 

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Day 15 already!  

Kav is awake and before his eyes are even fully open he is immediately apologetic for the vodka making him so aggressive and says that he plans to apologise ASAP to Cheggars.

Meanwhile Cheggars is in the diary room saying he knows it was only the drink talking yesterday and  then he has his weekly tears because he is missing his wife. 

Kav apologises to Cheggars for being so aggressive and they both offer some passive aggressive advice. 

Alicia is complaining to Cheggars that she is uncomfortable with Katie P constant talk about sex and bodily functions, and he agrees that he finds he is embarrassed by it too. But let's be honest Alicia if you had anything worth talking about - you would too!

Alicia & Perez gossip to Nadia about Cami and Calum and the possibility of it going further, they are both of the opinion that if Calum was really interested he would have made a proper move by now. Actually guys it's because Calum has always been a gentleman deep down and he's not not the scoundrel was when he was drinking and daft after his dad died. As for the idea that Cami's boyfriend has dumped her already.....well bitches I've seen no scandalous Kiss & Tells from him so I think they're still a couple, just maybe with somethings they need to talk through.

Perez is leading an acting class, why you'd encourage his screaming and performing? I don't know but they do and then of course an hour or later it all hits the fan. In the form of the Big Brother Big Debate Task:

The panel debate group comprised of Katie H, Nadia, Michelle, and Perez. The rest of the housemates are allowed to ask questions and contribute their views.

1. Do Celebrities that have plastic surgery set a good example? 

Katie H makes the expected views known and Nadia has similar views just as not as acidic.  Katie P makes a good argument that people should only do it for themselves and that the age you can have plastic surgery to be raised from 18 to 21. 

2. Is remaining neutral a good thing or a weakness? 

Katie H thinks it's a weakness, Nadia thinks it's just the way some people are and predictably Keith takes this item as personal attack 

3. Are there any real friendships in the house?

Perez is first to announce that he has made 3 lifelong friends already - Alicia, Patsy and Nadia. It all then kicks off  and Patsy comes out from her corner fighting (as she does) telling Alicia that she's not going to change Katie H and nor vice versa, so why don't people just start trying to get along so that everyone can start enjoying the experience. 

4. Does anyone in the house take themselves too seriously? 

There was an audible cringe when BB read that question out. 

Michelle doesn't think anyone takes themselves too seriously but instead some take things too personally.

And then finally the much predicted  Katie H & Perez show kicks off and everyone just sits back and watches the it all unfold AGAIN. Katie P tries her UN peacekeeper bit but she can't even be heard & then Nadia gets on her high horse.

Nadia storms off and Patsy runs off after her, trying to keep the promise she made that she wouldn't let Nadia become a screaming fishwife at Katie H

Katie P is worried about what the viewing public are thinking of her and Michelle advises that it's not worth worrying about until you hear your name read out on an eviction night and the crowd cheer or boo. Good advice.

Patsy is on the verge of a nervous & physical breakdown, and is practically sitting in the corner rocking.

The show ends with Calum ranting that he is finding it hard to keep his cool around Perez now but can't bear the thought of him losing (by going first) to a 'baddie' like Perez. I think Calum could earn even more fans by telling Perez to STFU.

On a little side note, I saw Alexander O'Neal on the Wright Stuff this morning and I know make up and stuff but he looked so much better and a lot younger! Bless Him.


Thursday, 22 January 2015

CBB Pistols at Bed Time Wed 21st

CBB 2015 - Wed 21st Episode 

*You are reading a CBB Blog - Please excuse swearing & views you may find offensive*

Patsy is up early and having a bad already. Then she has an even worse day when BB tells her that her task for the day is to lead the house in meditation which she thinks is a piss take of her lifestyle 

Alicia talks about her healthy diet, that she eats a lot of fruit and fills herself up on it. She then goes onto to talk about the 'crap' that is on food & drinks etc and even Calum joins in, on her side. I even agree with this, especially regarding sugar but that's a whole another blog. Someone (I can't tell who because they are all talking over each other) tries to make that point that people are now living until they are 70-80 but Alicia is quick to point out that that's because they grew up during the war when it was basic natural non-processed food.

Patsy leads Calum, Cami, Alicia and Cheggars in meditation and Cami is laughing before Patsy even starts talking and Cheggars isn't far behind but they complete the task and win...."Inner Peace".

Fuck me! Perez is at it again dancing and performing in front of the mirrors, well we knew 'normal guy' Perez wouldn't be here forever

Nadia is nervous about the live eviction (that isn't) and Alicia is in the diary room saying she hopes she doesn't get evicted because she feels she has a lot more to give and that she is starting to enjoy arguing with Katie H. Even though she thinks they are Bipolar opposites - no that's not a typo, that's what Alicia said "Bipolar".

The housemates are all gathered in the living area to hear that Alicia, Nadia, Perez and Katie H are not up for eviction tonight but they remain in place for Frdays live eviction but there is BB's evil twist. Katie P has to save a nominee and slay a fellow housemate to go in their place. She saves Katie H as the most entertaining and Perez clearly thought she was going to pick him. Katie P then says instead of picking someone less entertaining to put up for eviction she is going to put up the person she thinks will be least likely to be evicted when up for the public vote - Calum.

Alicia has one of her paranoid / dummy out the pram moments, to herself, that it's not fair that Katie P chose to save Katie H because she knew that Alicia wanted to stay. I think it's fair to say at this stage that she is used to getting her own way.

Perez is beyond delusional now because he thinks that the producers of CBB cancelled the live eviction because they want him to stay in, so they couldn't risk an eviction in case he was voted out.

Perez has had a bit of cheese up his nose for the majority of night and then after he has revolted the whole house, he eats it, even Nadia told him it was disgusting. As the housemates unpack Katie H and Perez start going back to their old bickering & bitching ways. 

Kav comments that Perez is quite ripped to which Katie H chimes in that he has more back fat than a Blue whale. That is just nastiness for nastiness sake and for a moment we see the real Perez when he practically flinches with hurt because his body image is his Achilles heel. 

Cami gets a little jealous when she hears that Calum and Katie P have snogged and spat in each others mouths but Calum is quick to follow it up by saying they were both wasted.

Kav gets more than a little tipsy and in the diary room to say that he will be gutted if Calum goes because he hates Cheggars because he is a one trick pony, false, fake and pisses him off. Then he finishes with a little rant about Perez. 

When he comes out he tries to apologise to Cheggars, after he took offense to Kav swearing but Cheggars won't except it and Kav then unloads about everything that niggles him about about Cheggars to Cheggars. A new battle line has been drawn in the sand.


Wednesday, 21 January 2015

CBB Tits, Bums & Sex Tues 20th

CBB 2015 - Tue 20th Episode 

*You are reading a CBB Blog - Please excuse swearing & views you may find offensive*

Sorry this is so late, bad day again but here we are now.....

So last night was the Live Eviction that wasn't, cancelled because Alexander had walked *wipes away tear

Michelle is is educating Katie H how to sunbathe, who seriously has NO IDEA.  

Perez is telling Katie P that he saw going on CBB was a chance to show the real him and when he goes to parties he is really shy and she is just nodding along politely.

Michelle thinks that Perez is having a change of behaviour because he is such a big fan of Katie P, he is acting like a real person but the housemates are on edge for when he can't can no longer keep up the 'normal' act. She calls it Post Traumatic Perez Disorder. 

Alicia has had 18 boob jobs and lets Katie H have a feel, who has no boobs to speak of, and she is nicely supposed about the difference in boob sturdiness / squidginess. She has a feel of Michelle's for comparison. 

Alicia now has no original boob tissue left so they have to give her new boob tissue in the form of pig tissue (stateside you get human tissue).   She then goes onto say she would rather be dead than have no tits. She would sink in to a depression and give up on life. Michelle can't wait to get her fake boobs removed, in the next 5 years, as she says she has now learnt that femininity doesn't come from tits.

Katie P spills the beans on Alex Reid or as he likes to be known as Roxanne. Patsy loves a bit of celeb gossip and almost can't believe her ears, Perez is of course the inquisitor but his Katie P facts are as hotly researched as the rest of housemates. She later reveals that he loved having things shoved up his arse, She even used to wear a strap on for him. 

Nadia speaks to Cami about her and Calum getting fruity and how he seems to be getting moon eyes over her. I actually think that came and Calum would make a cute couple. They'd be good for each other she needs a bit of taming and he needs a strong woman t tell him how it is. 

Katie P speaks about always getting cystitis whenever she had sex with her Argentinian boyfriend and they couldn't understand each other because he didn't speak English and she doesn't speak Spanish. So when she was moaning because it hurt (sex) he thought she was loving it.

Alicia admitted to Nadia that she needs to stay in the house as long as she can because she is a broke single mother and that's why she was so upset to be up for nomination.

Katie P is like the UN Peacekeeper, she has also been surprised by Katie H, how well they get on. Alicia is a really sweet girl and Perez is just Perez.

Patsy and Kav are newly won over Katie P fans and feel she is bringing harmony to the house with her chilled attitude.

Alicia speaks to Katie H about home schooling her 3yr old, and she admitted to only just learning her Alphabet and Shapes - yes that's Alicia who has only just learnt it. Katie H is speechless, along with Cheggars, can't believe she thinks homeschooling is a good idea! Nor can I - that's a You Tube Homeschooling video I'd love to see!

Later the housemates are called to the sofa's to be punished for talking about nominations, particularly Alicia and Calum. Calum immediately apologises before the punishments are handed out 'No housemates can use the hairdryers or straihtners' but Alicia only apologises when she see's how pissed off everyone is. 

Michelle and Katie H are not enjoying the 'nice' and 'jolly' house and feel it's all fake. Alicia gets a fit of the giggles with Cheggars and Katie H looks like she just wants to slap her. 

Katie P is called to the diary room and told she has 24 hours to decided to save one of the nominees that have entertained her the most and replace them with the housemate that is least entertaining and her decision will be shown live (Tues) instead of the Live eviction.

Cut to Tuesday Live - Everyone is dressed ready for eviction and then they they are informed that they are not being evicted tonight but still up for eviction Friday, they then find out about BB evil twist to get Katie P to save and slay. She picks Katie H to save and puts up Calum but explains it's not because he's been least entertaining but because she thinks he is safest to stay in if he goes up for the for eviction. Cami has panic attack and shoves her boobs in his face by way of a cuddle. 

Nadia is gutted she has to wait another 3 days to find her out her fate and Patsy can't bear the wait to find out if her bestie is going.


Tuesday, 20 January 2015

CBB Cadet Shopping Task Mon 19th

CBB 2015 - Mon 19th Episode 

*You are reading a CBB Blog - Please excuse swearing & views you may find offensive*

Housemates are waking up to not only Shopping Task but a new regime, as BB Cadets and BB has appointed Katie H as the Cadet Leader Red Pigeon.

The seating area has been turned into a camp fire circle with logs replacing the sofas and all  the 'normal' food has been removed as the housemates will be eating 'cadet'  food.

Katie H admits to BB that she will be victimising certain people (Alicia & Perez) under the guise of a legitimate task.

The first task badges are to be earned by two Cadets who must carry out good deeds for others.

The chosen ones are Perez who has to sit on the Naughty Step & not speak or attract any attention and Nadia who must clean the bath with a toothbrush. Both of them passed the task by completing their deeds to Red Pigeons standard.

Perez goes to the diary room to discuss Katie H as Red Pigeon, and he thinks that she is jealous of him because he's more entertaining and dramatic. He's even started talking about himself in the 3rd person.

Cami Li and Calum discuss Alicia eating with her mouth open and looking like a surprised Raptor

Katie P asks Alicia why she doesn't have any money now and apparently an ex-boyfriend cut her off and then the supplier for her business went bust and she lost everything - house, car etc. I really need to Google Alicia before she leaves the house.

Next task is for the housemates to fill rubbish and recycling bins with trash using only head funnels. Michelle and Katie P were exempt from the task on medical grounds but even they were dry heaving from the smell and they were some distance from the task zone. Katie H was surprisingly encouraging and helpful.

Thankfully they passed the task and earned their environmental badges.

The final part of the shopping task is for the housemates to earn their Honesty Badges by taking the honesty stick and offer honest advice to another housemate. Only the housemate holding the stick can talk.

Katie H offered Perez her advice - No  matter how you behave, you shouldn't run away and straight to the diary room but instead take ownership of the consequences. Live by the sword, die by the sword. His reply was "I don't like using weapons".

Nadia spoke to Katie H - she had enjoyed working with her on today's tasks and had judged Katie on what she heard about her before going into the house. She wants them to start a fresh page with each other. Katie H's reply was that she likes the power of the words.

Cheggars advised Patsy to stop apologising for everything because she's bloody brilliant. Patsy's reply was very defensive and said it's because she constantly feels like she is on egg shells.

Michelle spoke to Cami that she worries about how her behaviour perceived when she drinks . Cami said it's house that makes her drink and she is who she is

Perez asks Keith to continue to bring much needed laughter to the house.

Alicia offered Perez friendly advice and not to not self destruct with his own behaviour. Perez offered a reply to the whole house "Wait till you all watch this back".

Katie P spoke to Katie H, in the same way that Nadia did, she felt that she was opinionated in a nasty way on the outside but since coming into the house they've talked about normal things, she has a heart and is family orientated. Katie H's reply was that people still haven't realised that compliments are her Achilles Heel.

And THANK GOD they've passed the shopping task and earned the luxury shopping budget, because I don't know how this house would cope if you added basic food rations into the mix too. 

Later on Keith & Alicia discuss how Perez has behaved really well today but Kav is quick to point out that it only an act and Calum agrees. Meanwhile Perez is having some sort of  sugar hype in the bathroom - looking at himself in the mirror the whole time and talking about himself in the 3rd person AGAIN.

BB reveals this weeks nominations to the Housemates and the four that will be facing the public vote are Nadia, Alicia, Katie H, and Perez but what they don't know is that there won't be an eviction on Tuesday but there nominations will be rolled over to Friday eviction(s).

Alicia is clearly totally unaware of her environment, as she is shocked that people have put her up for nomination. She is now paranoid about who voted for her but the cogs seem to be slowly turning as she tries to work it out and a couple of hours later she thinks it might have been Calum, Michelle and Cami because she sides with those who other don't approve of and  because she wouldn't join their gang.

In her wisdom she decides to confronts Calum and then is offended when he says yes he did. Alicia and Calum are then in trouble for breaking the BB rules for discussing nomination but their punishment has not been revealed yet.

Kav calls Perez out for being afraid of the real Mario (Perez' real name) is.

Katie P asks Calum if he finds Cami attractive, which he does and a bit later they both have a touchy feely sesh but Calum reminds her she has a boyfriend and she said no my 'sister' and then she got defensive saying yeah well you have a 'brother'. See I spotted that code from the very start!
