CBB 2015 - Thu 22nd Episode
*You are reading a CBB Blog - Please excuse swearing & views you may find offensive*
Day 15 already!
Kav is awake and before his eyes are even fully open he is immediately apologetic for the vodka making him so aggressive and says that he plans to apologise ASAP to Cheggars.
Meanwhile Cheggars is in the diary room saying he knows it was only the drink talking yesterday and then he has his weekly tears because he is missing his wife.
Kav apologises to Cheggars for being so aggressive and they both offer some passive aggressive advice.
Alicia is complaining to Cheggars that she is uncomfortable with Katie P constant talk about sex and bodily functions, and he agrees that he finds he is embarrassed by it too. But let's be honest Alicia if you had anything worth talking about - you would too!
Alicia & Perez gossip to Nadia about Cami and Calum and the possibility of it going further, they are both of the opinion that if Calum was really interested he would have made a proper move by now. Actually guys it's because Calum has always been a gentleman deep down and he's not not the scoundrel was when he was drinking and daft after his dad died. As for the idea that Cami's boyfriend has dumped her already.....well bitches I've seen no scandalous Kiss & Tells from him so I think they're still a couple, just maybe with somethings they need to talk through.
Perez is leading an acting class, why you'd encourage his screaming and performing? I don't know but they do and then of course an hour or later it all hits the fan. In the form of the Big Brother Big Debate Task:
The panel debate group comprised of Katie H, Nadia, Michelle, and Perez. The rest of the housemates are allowed to ask questions and contribute their views.
1. Do Celebrities that have plastic surgery set a good example?
Katie H makes the expected views known and Nadia has similar views just as not as acidic. Katie P makes a good argument that people should only do it for themselves and that the age you can have plastic surgery to be raised from 18 to 21.
2. Is remaining neutral a good thing or a weakness?
Katie H thinks it's a weakness, Nadia thinks it's just the way some people are and predictably Keith takes this item as personal attack
3. Are there any real friendships in the house?
Perez is first to announce that he has made 3 lifelong friends already - Alicia, Patsy and Nadia. It all then kicks off and Patsy comes out from her corner fighting (as she does) telling Alicia that she's not going to change Katie H and nor vice versa, so why don't people just start trying to get along so that everyone can start enjoying the experience.
4. Does anyone in the house take themselves too seriously?
There was an audible cringe when BB read that question out.
Michelle doesn't think anyone takes themselves too seriously but instead some take things too personally.
And then finally the much predicted Katie H & Perez show kicks off and everyone just sits back and watches the it all unfold AGAIN. Katie P tries her UN peacekeeper bit but she can't even be heard & then Nadia gets on her high horse.
Nadia storms off and Patsy runs off after her, trying to keep the promise she made that she wouldn't let Nadia become a screaming fishwife at Katie H.
Katie P is worried about what the viewing public are thinking of her and Michelle advises that it's not worth worrying about until you hear your name read out on an eviction night and the crowd cheer or boo. Good advice.
Patsy is on the verge of a nervous & physical breakdown, and is practically sitting in the corner rocking.
The show ends with Calum ranting that he is finding it hard to keep his cool around Perez now but can't bear the thought of him losing (by going first) to a 'baddie' like Perez. I think Calum could earn even more fans by telling Perez to STFU.
On a little side note, I saw Alexander O'Neal on the Wright Stuff this morning and I know make up and stuff but he looked so much better and a lot younger! Bless Him.
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