CBB 2015 - Tue 13th Episode
*You are reading a CBB Blog - Please excuse swearing & views you may find offensive*
The first CBB live eviction has been cancelled with the removal of Jeremy Jackson and Ken Morley from the House, so Chloe and Alexander are safe …for now.
What the housemates are not aware of is that BB still wants to turn the house on it’s head and will be giving them a live surprise twist, at the end of the show.
First up for the housemates was for BB to announce that Ken Morley had been removed from the house. The reaction from everyone went from shock (REALLY??) to ecstatic very quickly.
Everyone that is other than Katie who blames Perez entirely for Ken being removed and feels BB should have removed Perez instead. She also worries that Ken removal will result in people self censoring and no longer saying what they think.
Perez corners Nadia to tell her that he thinks Katie will be the one to take centre stage now and although she doesn’t say it, you can see she’s thinking “WTF, do you have no idea you are effectively a demanding toddler in this house?’
Later on Cheggars asks some of the other housemates what Perez is famous for and Katie pipes up that this is in fact the demise of Perez’ online career but admits she is a fellow troll.
Nadia points out, in the Dairy Room, that the Katie & Perez situation is really bubbling near the surface now and with all Katie’s goading it won’t be long until Perez bites.
Along with all his other attention seeking habits, Perez has now taken to carrying around a rabbit statue and kissing it. I’m pretty sure it’s not his personal one, that he bought into the house. He has also started with the talking to BB through his mike.
Alicia further endears herself to her housemates by explaining her crack pot diet for her 3 year old that involves not letting her daughter to go to parties (Too Sugary) and giving her neighbours ‘Healthy snacks’ to give out to her daughter when she goes trick or treating, NB: This diet is not because her daughter has any intolerances or food allergies.
It also turns out she has a thing for Bananas so when the shopping is delivered (THE VERY FIRST FOOD) to the store, she’s like a rat up a drainpipe and in there stealing Banana’s …. yep you read that right Bananas, maybe she’s a Minion. And she is immediately spotted by Michelle, as she tries to squirrel them off to the bedroom.
A new, perhaps unlikely, clique has formed of Katie, Cami and Chloe and their first joint mission is to try and find where Alicia (who is still unaware that she has been caught out) stashed the Bananas but they fail miserably after they spend most of the time giggling and farting about ‘what if they get caught?’
With the mission aborted Michelle confronts her face to face and explains it’s not fair to steal and hide food.
Bananagate continues for hours and Cami asks why Alicia she felt the need to steal food, instead of just asking for it? Because she would have given her, her banana.
Alexander tries to change the subject and states that Alicia doesn’t look old enough to have a 19 year old daughter. Which works but when Cami asks how old she was when she had her daughter, Alicia storms off.
Cue tears in the diary room, from Alicia who feels that ‘Some people’ have been working their way around the group, trying to get a rise out of people and now it seems to be her turn. Alicia you may have had a valid point IF YOU HADN’T STOLEN FOOD in the first place.
In the end though everyone makes up, Cami apologises to Alicia and Alicia apologises to Katie who makes a massive thing out of accepting it.
The Katie, Cami & Chloe Clique (from now on will be known as the KCC Clique) have a bitch fest in the bedroom and are joined by Michelle who gives all the gossip on Alicia. Katie ends the conversation by saying if Alicia wasn’t so dumb she’d leave her alone. Well done Katie nothing like proving you are a bully.
And so it is time for the BB Live twist, early in the day the housemates were told that they would be taking part in a game and drew straws as to who would go first. So Nadia is up first and has to reveal a tree that holds apples, each with a picture of a housemate on.
Nadia is told she now has immunity from the next eviction and removes her own pic. She now has to select the pic of the person she would also like to save from being up for eviction. She picks Patsy and so it continues:
Patsy saves Perez
Alexander saves Calum
Calum saves Michelle
Michelle saves Katie
Katie saves Kav
Kav saves Alicia
Alicia saves Cheggars
Cheggars saves Chloe
Which leaves Cami up in the next public eviction or is it.
But before I go on, am I the only one that thinks some of these were weird / unexpected saves. Either BB is cutting it so that we don’t see some of the friendships that are being formed OR some serious strategic game play has already started. Given all the action in the house, over such a short period, nothing would surprise me.
But I’ve not told you the best bit of the ‘Game’. Cami is called to the diary room (which is broadcast live to the rest of the house) and told that she is intact not up for the public vote but now the Queen of the Fairies. The bigger twist is that Cami is now immune from the next eviction and all the other housemates are up for eviction unless she chooses some to also be saved. And BB warns there is more to come, with this twist.
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