
Sunday, 1 February 2015

CBB Goodbye Nadia - Sat 31st

CBB 2015 - Sat 31st Episode 

*You are reading a CBB Blog - Please excuse swearing & views you may find offensive*

It's the day of eviction and Nadia said in her eviction interview that there was an awesome fight to watch out for. So lets see on Day 27...

Everyone is talking about the Nominees party the night before and everyone is reminiscing about a lovely night. So far so good, everyone is still friends. 

Kav's head is little bit sore and can't remember some of the night, he's under the impression that he took the limelight away for Perez for a change though. The other housemates are discussing how Kav really comes out of his shell when he drinks and can be hilarious. Then Cheggars and Katie H butt heads over what was said and wasn't said about Kav. When she called him a grumpy old bastard. 

It then becomes a row between Calum and Perez when Calum tell hims to "Shut your fucking mouth" and it then becomes an argument about when is the appropriate time to turn the bedroom light off. And then out of nowhere it totally explodes when Calum says he's a huge giant dick, to which Perez will shove his giant dick up Calum's arse. It looks like Calum is about to deck him, before Cami steers him to the bedroom but later when he is talking to BB he reckons he didn't lose his temper. 

Perez is called to the diary room about his offensive language towards Calum, and also threatening behaviour. He doesn't take it very seriously until BB tells him this is formal warning as well final warning, to which he becomes precocious.

Nadia tells him off too, when he complains to her about the warning from BB. She points out that when he does things like that he gives people like Katie H ammunition, despite it all stemming from Katie H stirring the house. 

The days task is a test of brains and brawn, the housemates are split into two teams with Calum & Kav as the Team Leaders.

They have to arrange the ball heads (representing each housemate) Most annoying / Most disappointing / Vainest  / Biggest Game Player 

Team Calum are the winners

Cheggars has gone on strike with his cleaning and Katie H is telling the housemates that it's because everyone put him up for eviction. See there she is planting the nominations seed again, just in case he doesn't go tonight (Friday).

The housemates are gathered in the sitting area for the eviction and Katie H is muttering under her breath about Cheggars and I wouldn't be surprised if she was gutted Nadia went home instead of him. 

Nadia left to boos and Perez is in tears. Katie H is excited to see how Perez will cope on his own and Calum is happy...for now.

Michelle says that Katie P is fair game for Perez, because she's his only friend left in the house. She also thinks that it's going to get really ugly with Katie H this week. Michelle, for the first time since week one, admits that she does still enjoy Perez stories but I doubt she'd admit that to Katie H.

Kav tells Cami that he hopes Perez is completely miserable now Nadia has left and Cami is quick to remind him of everything Perez has done. Kav also thinks that he will latch on to Katie P now and that she will entertain it to begin with as she is a genuinely nice person.

Katie P says that everyone is warning her that Perez will want to be her friend now but she says they are already friends and she will continue speaking to him as she has all along. She doesn't have a problem with him, yet.

Katie H asks Perez if he's pissed off that he's still in the house and is disappointed to hear his answer is no.

Kav and Calum are discussing the next nominations but not, by not actually saying any names but they both think they are thinking the same people. I'm in no doubt that poor Cheggars is one of them no thanks to Katie H.

And as if to back up my theory Katie P tells Cheggars that she's heard Katie H making loads of comments and jibes about Chegagars all day and that she doesn't understand why she is so nasty to people.  

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