Happy World Ostomy Awareness Day!
People often ask me how I cope with my permanent ileostomy
, as if it has had a negative effect on my life the Surgeons removed my
diseased (Ulcerative Colitis) Large intestine and Colon, it not only saved my
life but also improved it.
So today I
am celebrating all the things I have been able to do since I got my Super Stoma
AKA Gizmo
I’m able
to look after my son myself
I went to
my first festival including camping (and I’ve been back since)
I can eat
whatever I want
I can now
drink red wine without getting a hangover
Go on long
haul holidays, even all the way to Australia by myself
I don’t
live in trackkies or PJ’s – I can wear whatever I want
I get 6
pairs of free prescription knickers a year AKA my Super Pants. (I kid you not
ladies these are just like a pair of Spanx)
I’ve met
an amazing array of people, young and old, with IBD and/or Stoma’s. All of who
have added to this amazing journey.
I honestly
believe that had fate not had a hand in whether my ileostomy would be permanent or not, I would have still stayed with the stoma rather than have a reversal.
NB: If this is your first visit to my blog and you'd like to know my UC & Ileostomy back story then please scroll down! Thank you for taking the time to read this far.
NB: If this is your first visit to my blog and you'd like to know my UC & Ileostomy back story then please scroll down! Thank you for taking the time to read this far.